How to implement proactive cybersecurity in your business

Businesses today are under constant attack from cybercriminals. In order to protect their data and operations, companies must put in place robust cybersecurity measures such as proactive cybersecurity. This blog post will explain what proactive cybersecurity is and how you can implement it in your business. Benefits of proactive cybersecurity Proactive cybersecurity is a strategic […]

Keeping your firmware up to date

Technology evolves quickly. The features of a phone that came out two years ago are likely very different from the features of the most recent model. It’s the same with printers, laptops, and other devices in your office — newer models with better features are introduced to the market yearly, so you need to keep […]

The S in HTTPS: What it is and why you should care

If you’ve never thought about how safe your information is while browsing the web, then it’s time to start thinking about it. One of the best ways to ensure your safety is by visiting sites that use HTTPS, a protocol that helps keep your data secure when you’re online. In this blog post, we’ll discuss […]

A guide to IT security terms everyone should know

You’ve probably heard the term “malware” thrown around a lot, but what does it actually mean? In this article, we will define malware and a few other commonly used terms in IT so you can better protect your business. Understanding these basic cybersecurity concepts doesn’t require deep IT expertise, so read on. Malware For a […]

Securing Microsoft Teams: Practical tips to keep your workplace safe

Microsoft Teams is a great tool that can help improve communication and collaboration in the workplace. However, the popular business communication platform can also be a security concern if it’s not adequately secured. In this blog, we’ll dive into some practical tips for securing Microsoft Teams and keeping your workplace safe. Utilize built-in security features […]

Protecting your Microsoft 365 environment and data

For many businesses, Microsoft 365 is their go-to productivity suite because it offers powerful features, cost-saving benefits, and world-class security. And while Microsoft continuously looks for ways to address security concerns, the changing threat landscape can put Microsoft 365’s security measures to the test. Here are some of the most common security risks Microsoft 365 […]

The three kinds of hackers every business should watch out for

Hackers come from all different backgrounds. Some hackers are motivated by money and politics, while others simply hack systems for fun. In this blog post, we will define the three kinds of hackers and how each one differs from the others. A complicated history In the 1950s, the term “hacker” was vaguely defined as someone […]

The crucial role of MSPs in SMB cybersecurity

With modern cyberattacks targeting companies of all sizes, businesses cannot afford to relegate cybersecurity to the bottom of their list of priorities. When it comes to cybersecurity, even small- and mid-sized businesses (SMBs) would do well to get help from an expert. Here’s how having a managed IT services provider (MSP) implement robust cybersecurity solutions […]

Fileless malware: The invisible threat

Hackers have found a clever way to get around anti-malware software — they’re using fileless malware, a type of malicious software that’s not as visible as traditional malware. This means it can infect your entire infrastructure without you even knowing. Let’s take a closer look at how fileless malware works and what you can do […]

The risks of password autofill

Hackers may have found an effective way to track users using a web browser or password manager’s password autofill feature. Here’s how they do it and what you can do to protect yourself. Why password autofill is so dangerous Modern web browsers and password managers have a feature that enables usernames and passwords to be […]