Work from home security best practices

In many industries, remote working is becoming an increasingly popular option for employees. But with the freedom and flexibility of working from home comes a new set of cybersecurity risks. Read on to learn security best practices for remote workers. Patch your software regularly Although installing software updates can be a major nuisance, these updates […]

Everything you need to know about monitoring employees online

If you’re managing a remote workforce, you may wonder whether your team is doing their jobs or wasting time watching random videos on the internet. Using employee monitoring tools is a good way to keep track of your team’s productivity. But is this practice ethical? Read on to learn more. What is employee monitoring? Employee […]

How IT security audits will boost your cybersecurity

Businesses of all sizes are prime targets for a cyberattack, so they must be proactive and have a cybersecurity strategy in place must be proactive and have a cybersecurity strategy. To be effective, that strategy must include IT security audits. As a vital component of a cybercrime protection system, regular IT security audits can help […]

The crucial role of MSPs in SMB cybersecurity

With modern cyberattacks targeting companies of all sizes, businesses cannot afford to relegate cybersecurity to the bottom of their list of priorities. When it comes to cybersecurity, even small- and mid-sized businesses (SMBs) would do well to get help from an expert. Here’s how having a managed IT services provider (MSP) implement robust cybersecurity solutions […]

Fileless malware: The invisible threat

Hackers have found a clever way to get around anti-malware software — they’re using fileless malware, a type of malicious software that’s not as visible as traditional malware. This means it can infect your entire infrastructure without you even knowing. Let’s take a closer look at how fileless malware works and what you can do […]

The risks of password autofill

Hackers may have found an effective way to track users using a web browser or password manager’s password autofill feature. Here’s how they do it and what you can do to protect yourself. Why password autofill is so dangerous Modern web browsers and password managers have a feature that enables usernames and passwords to be […]

Why monitoring your employees’ online activities is both good and bad

More and more businesses are choosing to monitor their employees’ online behavior, as it’s one way of keeping their data and devices secure. However, there are consequences to monitoring your employees’ activities. For instance, doing so can make them feel like their privacy is being violated, which can affect productivity and morale. Because of this, […]

What are distributed spam distraction attacks?

The average person goes through anywhere between one and a dozen assorted emails per day, but have you ever experienced receiving a few thousand emails in a span of a few hours? If so, you may be experiencing a distributed spam distraction (DSD) attack. Here are some things you should know about it: What is […]

Keep cybercriminals from attacking your business printers with these tips

It’s easy to overlook printers when implementing a cybersecurity strategy, as they may seem safe from cyberattacks. But in reality, many hackers these days exploit certain printer vulnerabilities to gather information about businesses or even infiltrate their systems without anyone noticing. Protect your business printers by following these tips. What makes business printers vulnerable to […]