Don’t fall for these common social engineering tricks

In an ever-evolving cybersecurity landscape, experts tirelessly develop new defense systems to safeguard individuals and businesses from the relentless pursuit of hackers. But hackers have found an effective way to circumvent even the most robust network security systems: They capitalize on human vulnerabilities, tricking people into divulging sensitive information. To avoid becoming the next target, […]

Tips for setting up office guest Wi-Fi

If your business office accommodates guests who request access to your office Wi-Fi, you should take precautions to safeguard your network. You can do this by ensuring that your Wi-Fi network is configured correctly. An improper setup can result in visitor dissatisfaction and the potential risk of exposing your confidential data to cyberthreats. This brief […]

Proven business continuity strategies to safeguard your operations

Businesses operate in a volatile world where unforeseen events such as cyberthreats and natural disasters can strike at any moment. To ensure your company’s survival, it’s essential to have the following business continuity strategies in place. Back up your data The most effective way to ensure business continuity is to back up your data regularly. […]

Collecting customer data: 5 Ways to do it securely

Meeting peoples’ wants is a central tenet of business in every industry. To do this, you must collect and analyze customer data. But the means by which you obtain this data cannot be in breach of privacy laws, as that would risk legal, financial, and reputational consequences. By adhering to these five tips, you can […]

How to mitigate remote work security risks

In recent years, remote work has become more popular. While this working arrangement offers many benefits, it also creates numerous security risks. This blog post will provide tips on how to improve your and your employees’ cybersecurity when working remotely. Create clear remote work policies Your company should have clear policies in place that outline […]

The Danger Of Holiday Phishing Scams: How To Recognize And Avoid Them To Stay Safe This Holiday Season

The holiday season is in full swing, which means so are the cybercriminals! While you’re making holiday gift lists, they’re plotting and scheming new ways to take advantage of unsuspecting online shoppers. Holiday phishing scams have become an all-too-common threat, targeting customers to steal personal information, financial data and even identities.

What Should Oil & gas Companies /Small Businesses In Houston & Shreveport Pay For IT Support And IT Services?

One of the most commons questions we get from new prospective clients calling our office is “What do you guys charge for your IT services?”

While price certainly needs to be one consideration, it’s extremely important you make an informed decision and choose the right IT services company instead of using price as the main deciding factor.

May A Force Field Be With You

“That won’t happen to me” is something many business owners say when discussing cyber-scams and the need for adequate protections for their business, but these days it’s getting to be a really, really stupid statement that you definitely don’t want your clients, employees and banker to hear.

How the human cloud is changing the modern workforce

Imagine a world where location and physical boundaries are no longer a barrier to finding the right talent for your business. That’s the world of the human cloud, an innovative model that has harnessed the power of digital platforms to connect employers with talent from around the globe. This blog will unravel the intricacies of […]